Tuesday, April 20, 2010

5 Days And Counting

Good Morning! I feel great this morning because I actually got up to do my exercising at 5 am like I was supposed to. This is actually pretty late for me to get up but I only had a 45 minute run this morning. I ran 5 miles in 45 minutes with an average heart rate of 144. It is interesting how the heart rate training works and I am very interested to see how I do in this race on Saturday with it. One very ironic thing is that I have trained by aerobic heart rate for 18 weeks and I won't have a monitor on in the race. I did pretty good in the sprint distance I ran 4 weeks ago and felt like I could have gone longer so I am very optimistic. I also incorporated 15 push ups and 10 squats at the beginning of the run, every 10 minutes, and at the end of the run for a total of 90 and 60 respectively. I drank some whey protein and had a bowl of raisin bran. I am looking forward to my green smoothie to enjoy today. It is time for me to get ready so I will catch up later.

1 comment:

  1. Wow only five days to the big race. I wish you the best of luck!!! I know you can do it!!
