Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hangin on!

Just a quick post to let everyone know I am still here. I have a lot going on right now that is makin training more of a challenge than usual. Our third child is due to join us in less than three weeks. I am training when I can and focusing on my running in the off season. I have also been on the trainer and on some rides. My tricep injury hasn't gone away and I am back on the Kinesio tape for two weeks and a prescription anti-inflammatory patch for a month. The doc says no swimming until I get the inflammation under control. I will be tweeting some videos and podcasts to mix things up a bit. I hope to make a decision before too long about my triathlon schedule. I think I am going to lean toasted three quality races and a possible half ironman. May you all keep up the best you can during the off season and I will be updating often. Push on!

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